Just finished my first kayak. I can’t believe it’s done! First trip to the water, 7a.m. and 38° outside. absolutley no problems. a very comfortable kayak, faster than what I need and room to spare. All information that was available was right on. no problem that could not be fixed. fro a frist build I am extremely pleased. My wife let me build this in our living room since the temps in the garage were a little too cold.Now she wants one.
welcome to the skiff, raft, team or flock (though I cannot imagine we will see many WD12s in flight ;)
I built my wife's this past June, L-O-V-E IT!!! I had actually chosen a different design for her and she chose the WD12 and I am very happy she it. This is an awesome boat and everyone who has paddled her (the boat, not my wife) loves it.
You will love your wood duck. We love the WD12 we have. It is a little to big for my wife. I think the WD10 would fit her better. For me it is just right.
It is a great kayak for fishing and it will cary anything you can fit into it.
It's like a big patato chip, no one can eat just one !!! So get started on the next one and have a blast.
38 degrees, that's dedication (unless we're talking Celsius instead of Fahrenheit?). Welcome to the fleet! Post a few pictures, if you can.