Which order for paint and varnish on PM transom

I'm going to leave the rear transom of PM "bright" in varnish and plan on painting the hull Flag Blue w Interlux Brightsides Polyurethane.   While some leave the endgrain of the hull strakes bright I wish to paint the endgrain Flag Blue.  Do I varnish everything first, transom and endgrain and then paint over the varnish on the bits of end grain ? or vice versa.    I recall someone mentioning in the tropics some paint over a bright boat to protect it from the sun and then strip it off on return to more temperate climates.

Thank you for any advice


   Painting over varnish will leave an edge. this edge can be made less sever by varnishing the whole craft. Also a top coat or 2 of varnish can be the wear coat and protect the paint from scraches or pealing.

If you like you could not varnish everything and see how you like it. And then later varnish if you want to.

No matter what, if you use your craft regularly you will need to to maintenance of the craft every year or every two years just to touch up scratches.

my preference....varnish first then paint.  just varnish the entire transom.  you will then mask it off with fine-line tape and do the paint.

i would not varnish over paint....the varnish is not opaque....so the look of the paint will be impacted by varnishing over it.

paint layers are incredibly thin.  so nobody but you will notice the edge.

all the best, 
