Hello. I inherited a partly built wook kayak. A fiberglass coat had been applied to the bottom and the sides. The top was bare wood. I decided to put a fiberglass, and epoxy coat, on the top. I worked in two stages. On the bow and stern, about a third, I cut fiberglass cloth. I laid the cloth on the wood, then applied a coat of expoxy. After it had dried, I noticed small white patches. Also, I notice some white fleck marks. A man at the Boat store I buy supplies from, said he thought the white patches was where the epoxy had not entered into the fiberglass cloth. "It is dry cloth", he said.
On the middle section, I decided to put a coat of expoxy on the wood. Then I laid the fiberglass cloth. Then I added another coat of expoxy on the cloth. I was working in bright sunlight, so after three or so hours, I noticed epoxy bubbles forming. (I later read the notes on Expoxying more carefully, so I realize working in sunlight is foolish. And afterwards I learnt why bubles form). After the mid section dried (It took 10 to 14 days for the tackiness to disappear), I cut the cloth out, around the bubble marks.
My questions: should I sand the bubble marks, and other marks? Should I do light hand sanding, or should I get a sanding machine, and do serious sanding?
The fiberglass cloth weave is visible in the epoxy coats I have applied. It seems a good idea to put a second epoxy coat over the whole of the top, to get a smoother surface.http://www.flickr.com/gp/1840080352N03/2w8167
I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks for reading this.