The instructions state that we shoud not use fiberglass table and epoxy on bulkheads and only a fillet. Why not tape it up with epoxy?
BTW: This relates to a Wood Duck Double 14.
The instructions state that we shoud not use fiberglass table and epoxy on bulkheads and only a fillet. Why not tape it up with epoxy?
BTW: This relates to a Wood Duck Double 14.
I cheerfully ignored that advice on my WD12 and taped the bulkheads in place.
I think that the official reason is that the fillets by themselves are supposed to be strong enough and adding the tape only increases the weight.
Since I planned to be using the boat roughly, including climbing in and out on the water, I added the tape (as well as completely fiberglassing the inside) Still came in below the designed weight.
Have fun,
This makes sense then to me regarding weight. Considering the kayak is already 14 feet I am not going to wrry about the few ounces and will add the extra strength.
Thanks again
Dan & Laszlo,
Can glass tape be added to the bulkheads after they are cured and topcoated with unthickened epoxy?
yes....but its easier to add glass tape when the underlying fillet is 'bubblegum' consistency.
once it has set completely, you will often have a rough surface that is hard to get the tape to lay flat on. you will also probably need to sand it. using a thin coat of thickened epoxy over the existing fillet and then taping it is one way to approach it if the underlying fillet is already set.
Thanks for the advice. I used a thin coat as you suggested and the tape laid down perfectly. I only taped one side of the bulkheads (the fore and aft sides that will be covered by the deck) to save a little weight.
One more fillet/taping related question: the instructions don't call for fillet/tape on the inside of the bow and stern. I assume I should do that?
One issue you may hit with taping the bulkhead on a Wood Duck 14 is running out of fiberglass tape. Someone mentioned the same in their blog, and when I measured out my tape found I would be short as well. I actually mention this issue on my website WorkBenchInk where I documented my build of a WD 14.
John Strother
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
The instructions state that we shoud not use fiberglass table and epoxy on bulkheads and only a fillet. Why not tape it up with epoxy?
Excellent question.
1. Bulkheads with fillets alone are more than strong enough for kayaks. In 23 years I've never had a bulkhead pop loose.
2. It adds weight.
3. It's a messy joint at kayak scale. Wrinkles in the tape are likely, for example.
Now, plenty of other CLC boats specify fiberglass tape or fabric atop the epoxy fillets at bulkheads, but these are all designs that are much heavier and under more stress.