I just wanted to see if I could get some answers on how other builders are able to get the outside sheer strips to make the wood duck 10 hybrid curve/bend from front to back on the far outside edge? I have seen lots of impressive strip decks with full length sheer strips on the border and hope to do the same.
On my WD12 hybrid I went with clamps for the deck and no staples. To get it done, I made up a bunch (25-30) of small wooden jigs. These are 3" x 3" square made from 1/4" thick veneered particle board. The slot cut out is 3/8" wide and 1 3/8" deep. There is a 1/2" long piece of 1/4" dowel hot-glued to the coner of the slot cutout. The 1/4" dowel will prevent damage to the cove on the strip.
These jigs were clamped to each station mould at a position that would accomodate the outer 3 sheer strips of my design.
The first strip I put on was actually the 3rd strip in from the gunwale (noted as the 1st strip in the picture below). It was just clamped in place and the jigs held it to the desired curve of the sheer. I then added the middle strip (slim dark one in the pictures) with glue and finally the actual sheer strip with glue. The strips will just follow the curve established by the jigs.
I then installed the king plank and filled in the remaing strips. I left the little jigs in place to hold the 3 sheer strips in place. As I filled in the remaing strips, I would remove the jigs one at a time as they began to interfere with ends of the other strips that were being installed.
You have to plan ahead a little to make sure you have the jigs positioned properly since you are putting these strips on in the opposite order as you would think to be normal. This ensures the outer strip lines up properly with the sheer panel of the hull when all is said and done.
This method worked really well for me.
I built a Hybrid WD 12 first and then built a hybrid WD 10. I used clips and clamps like the above post. I put on the 2 outer strips first and then the king plank and then filled in from the king plank out to the sheer strips. The WD 12 was easier to bend the outer strips and to attach them to the temporary bulkheads. The wood duck 10 has the same beam but is 2 feet shorter so the radius is smaller. This requires more bending of the side strips. I soaked the WD10 outer strips overnite in a 2 inch pvc pipe and then used a heat gun and it took lots of time to bend the strips enough so that they would more easily attach to the bulkheads. I also nailed the outer strips to the temporary bulkhead then used the clamping method with 1/4 inch plywood clips for the remainder of strips. This worked OK and I also hot glued a couple of temporary 1/2 inch particle board strips on to the side panels so that I could attach the outer cedar strips at more locations than just the temporary bulkheads. My WD10 i used dark cedar strips on the outside of the deck. I felt they were harder to bend than the white strips but the dark strips make the nail holes less conspicuous.
check out my first build at rodskayakadventure.blogspot.com
Best of luck, and enjoy the build
How do the clips stop the first/3rd plank pinging outwards? Do you have to nail or glue it, or will downward pressure on the ply clips keep it in?
I used a clamp and 2 scrap strip pieces between each deck form to hold everything flat while the glue set. Below is a mock-up of that setup. You add these scraps and clamps once the first strip is laid in place against the jigs. A slot is then formed into which the next strips slide. This holds everything flat and in line. Nothing can go anywhere and you don't need any mechanical fasteners.
Thanks for the replys its nice to get some feed back. Like Rod noted the 10' wood duck requires some serious bend on the sheer strips... I will try the jigs and clamp method and will probably built a setup for steam bending some strips. I was mostly curious if I was just missing something because the 3/4'' by 1/4'' bead and cove strips that are about 11' in length that I made just don't bend near enough the follow the sheer line. But anyways I'm having a blast on the built and fired up to start on the strip deck.