wood duck 12 hybrid forms

I was trial fitting the forms today on my woodduck 12 hybrid, and noticed some forms make the side walls splay pretty far out, while others need the side walls to come in about a half inch. Is this normal, and some forms just wont fit at the proper measurment to be placed, do the contact points on the forms where they meet the side walls need shaped or left straight…please help  thanx ahead of time

Ocean--yes the duck has flare, shape, form, and beauty. The stitch and glue-ochume was amazing to me because of the shape,curve, and grace that the was accomplised with very few forms and some stitching and some ply. I did not think this was possible with plywood. I just finished adding the graphite and epoxy mix to the bottom of the hull and again I marveled at the shape of the hull. The boys from CLC are talented in design.

Back to you question yes this is normal--keep a center line on each form and stretch a line to check and to insure that it all stays centered.and straight, make sure to note that only a minority of the forms go in at the stitch and glue stage the rest go in at the strip stage---and enjoy your build.....CZ

Thanx CZ I guess I should have mentioned I was talking about the deck forms, not the temp ones…it seems the forms cause the duck to loose his fair shape…poor guy   he he he…