The manual states to put the hatch 6-1/2" back from the cockpit opening. The Cockpit Coaming Apron at the back is 8" wide meaning the hatch opening would impede on the Apron. The photos (pg 48 of my manual) show the hatch opening to be about 2-3" behind the apron. What is the correct dimension or does it really matter?
I am not sure what is going on with your build, but I just measured the width of my cockpit apron at the aft edge and it is only 4-3/4". That places the hatch 1-3/4" aft of the aft edge of the apron, which looks just like the picture in the instruction book.
I built my WD12 hybrid from plans, not the kit. I assume you are building from plans as well?
I agree with the original post. On page 48 of the WD 12 manual it states to put the hatch 6-1/2" back from the cockpit opening. The Cockpit Coaming Apron at the back is 8" wide so the 6-1/2 inch location is impossible. What is the correct location or does it really matter? I do not see a satisfactory reply to the orginal post so I am in need of an answer before I get to that part of construction.
Thanks for your help.
The picture below is from the WD12 hybrid construction gallery. The apron is not 8" wide here so the 6 1/2" dimension works fine. How did you guys' aprons get so wide? You building from kit or plans?
Lots of different apron sizes seem to be used by different builders- even no apron at all. See the build pics at the boat's page.
It's a smallish hatch in a big area of deck. It won't matter at all where you put it as long as you miss the apron and miss the bulhead...
Aargh, posted at the same time.
Maybe this is an 8" apron?
Thanks for your quick reply. I am builing the WD 12 from CLC kit that was delivered in July 2016.