Hello all, thought I `wood` chime in and discuss what/how I built(building) my wood duck.
Some of it may seem against the grain, but this ain`t my first rodeo so to speak.
First off I`d like to say the plans are pretty decent albiet pricey for a Canuck, and the how to do it book was written well, I managed to glance at that...lol
Now the first thing I did was to section up the plans and devise a game plan, if done with due diligence, you only need 2 sheet of very exspensive plywood, cudos to CLC for designing plans if used as outlined would/will require nearly 3 sheets.
The stitching part went off I may say perfectly, no twists, no gaps and no tears.
And the inside of the hull was finished as specified.
The deck is stripped(hybred type) I procure the wood and make my own strips, I managed to get my hands on some old growth BC red cedar and white pine. After I finished with that and before I removed it from the hull, I installed 1/4x5/16 position cleats from stem to stern both sides.
The inside of the deck was glassed and then put back onto the hull, on its support cradle and then the deck was clamped into place with 6 ratchet straps. next the hatch was cut out, then supported on its side, I used cyanoacrylate(crazy glue, industrial type) to secure the deck to the hull. With the postion cleats, attaching the deck is stupid simple. After the crazy glue set I mixed and drizzled some slow cure epoxy along the deck to hull seam. Doing it this way saves a lot of unnecessary wieght(epoxy/wood flour mix, tape and more epoxy). Deck to hull glasing requires the deck and sides are all done with one pc of cloth, let cure and while green bottom to side(1 to1-1/2" overlap) is glassed.
Deck and hull were sanded and fared, then glased, couple light fill coats and then sanded.
Today I put a skim coat on the bottom in preperation for its finish, I`m going the epoxy/graphite route, pretty rocky my way.
That is where I`m at with this project so far, I`ve been at it for roughly 2 weeks so far, and hopely have a launch day towards the end of Sept.