So I have been looking a looooong time trying to pick perfect boat. Actually have teh plans for NE Dory and Skerry. Of course, all boats are a compromise and I think the answer is to just plan on building more than one. So maybe later the Dory, or Skerry, right now I am thinking of either the Passagemaker or two Eastport Prams.
Would like to sail this Summer!
Plans build - I have some of the wood already.
Day sailing and camp cruising. For camp cruising two up in the Passagemaker or one each in prams. Is that decadent? At less than seventy pounds I'm tempted to try a short portage with the EP Prams.
I am thinking building two may not be twice as long. But building two Eastports may take about same time as Passagemaker? Or is it more like 12' of sandable boat compared with 16' of sandable boats?
Why leave Skerry and NED plans on shelf? Time to summer. PM seems to accomodate more people while sailing than Skerry. Building a 12' boat should be faster than a 17' or even 15' I have to car top at least on on trip and I am not sure f spreading 15' or 17' over racks on a Sienna is a good idea - they are only 4' apart front to back.
May have to wallpaper den with these plans if I keep on collecting them...
"Life is what happens while one is making plans". or in your case buying plans.
Studying designs is fun and interesting.
There is no perfect boat, only a boat perfect for this afternoon. Biuld for your first use: Daysailing. Sailing with your partner is more fun that sailing against your partner. Biuld one boat for two people.
Summer is rapidly approaching, choose your hobby carefully. For sailing this summer, buy a boat. If you want to biuld a boat over the summer, buy plans and wood. with your rate of descision making (and most people's spare time), both is not probable.
Make sure to have fun along the way.
I'm plans building a PM. I'm over 90 hours into the build and I'm just about to permanently install the bulkheads. I too am up against a deadline. My wife recently informed me that we have plans for July 4th on a lake at a friend's house. That leaves me almost exactly 8 weeks out. I still have to order the sail kits. It already feels pretty tight. I also plan to do some serious sail/camping here in the San Juans.
With all that being said, you get more boat for the buck with one PM than two EP's. Unless you really want to race each other, which is fun. The weight to payload ratio for the PM is 7.2 (650/90) vs 6.0 (375/62) for the EP. Another way to look at it is two EP's is only 750 pounds of payload where one PM is a whopping 650 pounds. One boat is also easier to transport, less sails to sew/buy, less rigging, etc. For the record, I love our EP and have enjoyed several years of sailing it on our local lake.
I would highly recommend building one PM for build space considerations, unless that's not an issue at your place. Also, if this is your first build, I'd rather make all my "freshman" mistakes on one boat at a time. I'm a firm believe in the "build your first boat second" theory.
I've had the PM plans for years, I think I ordered them while I was building my EP. It took me 3 years to have the necessary gap in my schedule to bang it out this Spring. I built the EP long and slow an hour here and there (120 hours total), but the PM is about 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. I'm about to go install the bulkheads after I finish writing this.
Either way, it's an awesome problem to have. Have fun and good luck with your project(s). Keep us posted!
The next project is either a Tenderly XP or a NanoShip 3.0...
I can vouch for the Passagemaker Dinghy as a good, burdensome, all-around, multipurpose boat. Carrying two adults sailing with some camping gear shouldn't be a problem. She's a serious load-carrier under oars. If you build the take apart version, short portages in stages with two as crew are possible. She sails better than we'd hoped (we have the lug rig), and rows better than you'd imagine for a short, wide boat.