I have finished my Wood Duck 12 hybrid and plan on building a second boat. Leaning towards a Wood Duck 10 so that the smaller members of my family might have an easier time paddling. Any comments on the performance comparisons of the WD 12 versus the WD10? Is the WD 10 easier for a smaller person(12 year old and 7 year old boys and my upcoming one year old first Grandson-- Axel). I don't want to go down to the WD 8 because I still want a boat for my fishing buddies to try out(200 pounds plus )
Hey Rod,
I brought my WD10 to a picnic last weekend and let some kids use it (15 yr old and 12 yr old) Neither seemed to have a problem with it.
I did notice the 12 year old had to hold the paddle a couple inches higher to keep from rubbing the coaming, about even with the upper half of his chest where adults seem to be even with the lower half of the chest. So maybe he would tire faster. A 7 yr old may not be tall enough in the torso, but the 12 and 15 year olds loved it.
As a 175lb 6ft adult myself the WD10 is great and your adult buddies will like it a lot. I have never paddled a WD12 though so I cant directly compare. I wonder if it tracks any different being longer? The 10 tracks great but you do have to think about it a little, its not completely automatic.
Thanks for the input. You have confirmed what I thought and I like the report on a 6 foot 175 pound guy paddling the WD10. I can invite my 250+ pound buddies and they can paddle myWD12 and I can paddle a WD10(5' 10" 180 pounds ).