I was close to buying an Adirondack Guideboat, but it was just a little too wife friendly for me. I want a man boat with a sliding seat that I can row fast without a picnic basket. The Annapolis Wherry looks like the answer. I had not planned on building a boat, but it does not seem too difficult. I was an avid builder of audophile speakers, so I do have some experience building cabinets with semi-complicated interior compartments.
Am I nuts or can I tackle a project like this without attending a class? I have a 3-car garage and lots of power tools. Upon completion, the boat would be transported to our lake house in the NC/GA mountains. If I kept it out of the water in a covered boat slip, would that be acceptable storage for a wooden boat? What options are recommended for this type of boat on a lake?
Wait, so you have some experience building in wood, you have some tools, and you have space to build it? I think you don't qualify for doing this, on account of being overqualified.
Many people build these with no room, minimal tools, and near 0 experience. I think you'll probably be fine. Or at least, that's what I tell myself, having just bought my first power sander, and getting ready to start my first boat, with no experience and a carport to build under, in the winter. :)
-- James
Well then with all those positive waves, I can’t lose!
I am building the Wherry right now in a 18’ long shed … the boat is 17’ 9". For heat, as needed, I use a kerosene heater for me and 65-100 watt flood type worklights for the boat. My woodworking skills could best be described as of the "handyman" variety, i.e. I do not build furniture but I can swing a hammer and use a handsaw. Between this forum and the support provided by CLC, I’m sure you’ll do fine. You picked a good boat!
I just put my first coat of epoxy on the outside hull of my Wherry project. I’m having trouble thinking about painting over that beautiful wood! So far it has surpassed my expectations. Just take it easy and keep your heart-rate down when tackling a new phase of production and it will be fun. I think the key has been to work at a slower pace and clean up the messes before they harden into a real problem. I bought a carbide scraper and that has been invaluable. It takes off my small mistakes without having to sand. Beginning to plan my kayak build. Maybe a Shearwater Hybrid?
Thanks Lads,
I ordered the manual so I can read through it before I buy the kit. I hope you guys will post some pictures.
Your post on the "blizzards and phones" thread is right on target. I had quite a dilema ordering a kit from the east coast when we have plenty of fine choices over here on the left.
Deciding factor: I had the incredible luck last year to be sent to Port Townsend on business for five separate weeks. What a great deal. This was during the time that I was choosing a kayak to build so obviously I did a little leg work while in town. My impression from the stand point of a novice builder was not very solid. In fact, a bit offensive.
Conversely, six years ago I picked up a basket case of a Ches18 from a friend with the intention of completing the project and paddling the boat. I called the shop line at CLC to get a professional opinion regaring the status of my situation. I don't know who it was on the other end of that line but the guy talked to me for 33 minutes having me investigate different parts of the kayak and giving me instructions on what had yet to be done and what to look out for. This was long before I had ever paid CLC a single dime. Incredible.
From the standpoint of a novice builder I am totally satisfied with CLC support and instruction. No matter what you choose to build, there is no way you would be short on online tips and direct advice.
There is no year listed on these posts, so I am wondering how you have found roing the Wherry on the lakes in GA & NC. Thinking about getting a wherry also for rowing in Western NC, Lake Toxaway area.
The wherry is a pleasure to row on calm waters. But do not be mistaken thinking that its a rough water boat.. This CLC version is designed for grace and speed, not hauling cargo through choppy waters.
I'm going to build a Shearwater Sport hybrid kayak to compliment my Wherry, for when the water/winds are rough up here on Lake Washington
If you go with the sliding seat, try to get some instruction at a local rowing club or from a college student on the crew team. It's hard to learn the correct technique from a book or YouTube, and it's not as intuitive as you might think. A little coaching will let you get the most out of your sliding seat rig.
The wherry can handle some chop - you'll probably get tired of rowing before the boat gets too wet. I row mine regularly in the Hudson River, in New York City, though I don't go out into the "big water" around The Battery.