I have stitched together all the planks and have run into two problems at the transom. First plank #5 is about an inch short on both sides. The bow is uniformly lined up and the other planks all align properly at the transom. Did I do something wrong? Is there a fix?
Second the transom board is cut to match the planks.but in this case the planks are wider than the cuts? What is the fix for this, before I screw it all up! Please see pictures. Thanks for any help I can get.

Your kit is some years old, and the older generation had all the planks run wild at the stern, to be trimmed flush after the transom is glued in. Nothing to fret over there. (The current generation has all the wire-holes drilled among other refinements.)
The transom has mystified us all. We can't replicate that in the computer. I sent you an email with a diagram to check your transom against.
Thanks John,
I received the drawing and will use it to dimension what I have and get back to you. The transom board I received is drilled but the holes do not go all the way through. Perhaps I got a test mule or something? I purchased the kit in 2013, but lost a year before getting to it. Having fun now.