Bottom panels protection with graphite powder?


I've learned about the usefulness of protecting ribstrips from Dynea (Kevlar) + graphite powder/epoxy. And what would you say about the idea to cover all the bottom panels (and maybe side ones too – up to the waterline) with that graphite powder/epoxy mixture? How much weight will it add?

You mean like this?

It won't weigh any more than a normal faired epoxy bottom. Probably less because the graphite displaces the heavier epoxy and because there's no need to paint this kind of bottom.

Have fun,



I'm very happy with my graphite bottom.  It obviously doesn't look like that anymore after about 40 outings.  It's also a UV inhibitor, which is cool since I originally planned to store it upside down on a rack in the back of my pickup sort of like a camper shell.

   Why has this thread been so often tainted by Internet ghouls and con-artists? Is it because it starts with "Bottom . . . "?

   Just a suggestion :

I'm looking at building my first boat and want to ensure the lower huill is protected as best it can be. Rather Than using graphite powder and whilst using expoxy (not poly) how about sheathing externally in carbon/kevlar biaxial weave ??