Chesapeake 17 vs 17LT Differences

I apologize if this was previously asked and answered, I searched the forum but didn't find it...

 I just received my CH 17 kit, but now I'm thinking about changing to the 17LT model - I probably don't need all that volume.  Does anyone know the actual differences between the two models?  It appears from a bit of searching that the differences seem to be two in two areas: the shear panels are 1.5" lower, and the rear deck camber radius is 49" on the LT and 24" on the 17.  The front camber radius appears to be the same.  Is this correct?  Is the 1.5" full length off the top? 

 If I make this change, I plan on simply trimming my kit shear panels, shortening the fwd bulkhead, shortening the rear bulkhead and changing the radius and making a new radius template for the rear.  I'm a bit on the fence for making this change as I'm not a small paddler at 6', 230lbs, size 12 shoes, but the 17LT still seems to have plenty of room.  My trips are usually only a few days, not weeks.



You're right on the money... almost.  I bought the 17 plans and then decided it had too much volume (based on comments from this forum - people said it was a tank!).  So I asked CLC if it was possible to exchange my plans for the LT version.  Reply?  "Just cut 1" off the shear panels and change the aft deck radius from 24" to 49".  Your done!  Instant 17LT. 

I compromised on my "Modified;" I cut 1/2 inch off the shear panels and kept the aft radius at 24 inches.  Rationale was that I wanted a sleaker boat, but didn't want to sacrifice too much foot room/clearance up front, and decided that 24" radius in back wasn't that bad (49 inches is almost flat!) and the additional cargo space might come in handy.  End result is I'll have a slightly scaled down 17, not quite to the LT specs, but I'm sure I'll be happy with the result (you can see pics of the hull on my posting here "Chesapeake 17LT Modified..." probably doesn't accentuate the height difference but you can see the hull kept the basic form). 

As for cutting down your bulkheads (from the top edge, not the bottom), yes, that's what I plan to do (this weekend).

Good luck; would like to know what you finally decide,


Larry -

Thanks a ton for your response, 1" it is.
