Chesapeake 17LT Dan-Fl Sheer Clamp Planing and Sanding

I glued the sheer clamps as instructed 1/4" proud.  Now, it seems as I shape the clamps, I have to remove this 1/4" at the outside or side panel area.  Is this correct?  If I do not do this, I guess I could fill this defect with thickened epoxy prior to glassing the deck and the overlap of the glass to the side panel. 

Anyones experience here would help! Thanks in advance.


Yes this is correct. The outside will be flush with the side pannels.Near the bow and stern this will be almost flat near the cockpit there will be an obvious angle.

Dan, Russ is right, as you approach the ends of the boat the clamps will gradually get lower, in both angle and height.  My experience was that even though I'd planed the clamps down even with the sides (outside edge of the clamps), I left more angle at the ends than necessary and the deck didn't curve enough to match the clamps' curve.  Not a big problem and I did as you suggested, filled that gap (deck to sides) with thickened epoxy, and then sanded smooth.

That "fill" solution could be a problem if you don't intend to paint your hull.  Mine will have a stripe along the deck's edge, going slightly over the sides to cover up that seam... then the stripe begins again at the bottom to cover the side/bottom seam (and paint goes across the entire bottom of the boat).  Wish I had a picture, but all I have is the design in my head and I can't get it to download to the computer!
