I am building a Chesapeake 17LT. Does one plane the sheer clamps all the way down to the top of the side panel?
I have planed the sheer clamps to the correct radius. The sheer clamp is still proud of the side panel, however, as show in the attached photo. It seems to me that the sheer clamp needs to be flush with the side panel in addition to matching the planing guide radius. Otherwise, there will be a notch or groove, depending on how the deck is cut.

Hi Laszlo,
Thank you for your post!
By the way, I built a boat table just like the one you posted a few months back in answer to a question that I had. I really like it. It provides a surface to keep the tools handy for the current step. It was easy to suspend the hull for applying the epoxy fillets. I even strung a rope overhead to suspend some incandescent lamps to keep the boat/epoxy warm overnight while curing. The table has proven to be really beneficial while building the boat! Thank you!