Decorative fabric - fading?


My husband has caught the stand up paddleboard bug, so I'll be building him a Kaholo this winter.  He's trying to decide what decorations he'd like on the deck; veneer, fabric, etc.  To those who have put fabric on the deck, how does it hold up as far as fading from the sunlight?  I know that many dyes are not particularly UV stable and before I put fabric under a layer of fiberglass (where it will be difficult to sand off and replace) I'd like to know if I should expect it to face after a few years.  If so I might steer him towards veneer. 

Thanks for any insights. 

I wonder how many husbands have just shown thier wives this post ,, Lucky Bugga,,,,, can I have one tooo PLEASE,,,,,,,,



No expert by any means, but I do know that about the last thing you will do is put on several coats of UV-blocking varnish to prevent damage to the epoxy.  My guess is this would protect the fabric from fading also.  Still I would not store the paddleboard in direct sunlight even with the varnish protection--pretty sure it is not going to block 100% of the UV rays.

BTW, there was an exchange of posts lately about using automotive clear-coat or a clear marine varnish instead of Interlux varnish.  The Interlux varnish CLC recommends is great, but it does have an amber cast, which might not be good over decorative fabric. 

As I understand it, clear-coat is difficult to use, but there were some recommended clear varnishes in the posts, one being Minwax Helmsman.  There were some others, one being Cabot I think.  I was skeptical about the UV protection, but was slapped down pretty hard on that one, so other more knowledgeable people say it is OK, at least as far as protecting epoxy.  I still think it's a good idea to store it in shade, though.

Anyway, you should check out those posts--about three or four weeks ago I think.

That thread about clear coat was September 16: automobile clear coat instead of varnish

Use prefection plus. I just finished another paddle board with it and it's far superior to other varnishes for UV protection. It's a two part mix and when put on really thin it flashes fast so there's no runs or sags and on top surfaces like your deck you can lay it on thick. CLC will post my new board in the next few days so you can see for yourself the finish. Also the finish is clear not amber. It's not cheap but it's the last thing you do to the board before hitting the beach. 1 kit is all you need to do 2 coats if you don't waste anything.

ps. If something should happen to your husband I'll marry you.


                                                 Dave S

While all the above ideas are great and I am sure there are numerous products you could consider.....I used the products that came with my kit, used a pretty good amount of fabric in my design, it turned out great, and with the numerous layers of protection over the fabric I don't think fading is anything to worry about.

Thanks for your input.  I've built 2 CLC kayaks so far, so I understand about the UV-protecting varnish (I've used 2-part System 3 WR-LPU which holds up great as far as scratches/dings and it's clear not amber).  However, I also know that the wood on my kayaks has changed through time, like all wood does, after exposure to light.  For the wood, the changes are fine, but I wasn't sure how fabric would hold up.  I suppose it won't have that much sun exposure since it will be stored indoors and only be in the sun while my husband's using it so hopefully it will be fine. 

P.S.  You guys are funny - I'll let you know if my husband meets an early demise - he tends to shun wearing a pfd while he's paddleboarding so you may have a chance!  I'm glad he is letting me build him an SUP - he said "no more kayak building" after my second kayak build.  Although I can always hope.....a cedar strip design would be my next one if I get a chance. 


Kathy, you've got to build a cedar strip.  I see it in your future.


Hi Hickory,

I hope so!  I'll try to bring the paddleboard to R2K next year if I can figure out how to fit it and 2 kayaks on the top of the car.  Hmm, maybe he does have a point about too many boats..........


i don't see fading being a problem , just the oposite when you epoxy the fabric it tends to get slightly darker as though its permanetly wet whaterver you pick out try a sample on a scrap pierce of wood

ps kaholo kit tip be extra careful when joing the hull panel [its a really long joint], sand the puzzle joint so i fits toghether easily and make sure it is nice and even when you glue it

   I am considering adding a fabric to the paddleboards I'm building.  As the last post in this string was 5 years ago, I'm hoping that someone can post a longer term evaluation of fabric fading.  Has anyone with an older board had problems with fading?


Hi Kathy,

That big flat expanse sure does lend itself to decorative possibilities. Have you considered approaching it as a hybrid? I don't know if any of your previous builds were stripped, but its very simple in this case as you're not beveling strips to conform to the numerous intersecting curves of a kayak deck. A nice flat canvas would allow you to execute some fancy strip-based designs with relative ease. 

That said, I used rosewood veneer to decorate a Kaholo deck when my daughter asked for a design that didn't lend itself to strips. Pretty easy, and really like the wood on wood look- I'm not much of a Hawaiian shirt guy.

The use of decorative fabric seems pretty well established at this point and is sanctioned by CLC, so barring some big red flags from others with experience you can probably approach it as an aesthetic question.

I'd apologize if putting this idea into your head just added +++hours to your winter project, but it's the kind of crazy task I like!

Good luck,



HA! I just saw that the original post is several years old- I bet you've got your answer by now, Kathy!

