Desperate for Oars for Northeaster Dory


finally finished building my Dory from April 6th class and launching this Sunday. Ordered 8 foot spruce oars from CLC but back ordered. Anyone in Baltimore / Washington / Annapoluis area have pair to sell. Wi will pick up. 

Drew W. 

   Hey Drew that's fantastic!  Congratulations on finishing up so quickly!  I've got the graphite/epoxy bottom on my boat and I just put the first coat of finish paint on the rest of the hull.  I'm at least two months from completing my boat.  Post Pictures!

--- Guy ---

Drew... I have a pair of oars waiting for me to pick up but I will not be done with my dory for a month or so yet. If you want you can have my order and I will get the backordered one. email me your phone number and I will call you.

pat_smith1969 at hotmail dot com   


You said "finally" finished. I believe you're the record holder for fewest weeks to finish after a class! Congrats, and send some photos.

George K

   Just fortunate to have enough time and energy to work virtually everyday. But I loved it. My advice to my 5 kids and 9 grandkids, make sure you build a boat- greatest experience you can have!

Drew W  



   Pictures from launch forthcoming!!

   Drew W

Hello Guy, good to hear from you  some pics have posted  question for you since you were going to use your boat mainly for rowing.  Do you use your rudder and if so how?
