Does anyone have experience with the trailex trailers for a NE dory. CLC seems to recommend the SUT 250, but the SUT 220 would meet specs and says it is a "softer ride for delicate boats". Does anyone that owns either one of these trailers for a dory have any recommendations?
I'm using the SUT-220S for my Northeaster Dory. The stock placement of the various bunks is not ideal for the dory, but I don't trail it long distances so I have not yet made any modifications. With minor modifications I'd be confident using it for long trips.
I use the SUT 250 and am happy with it. A friend had a chance at buying a 220 and passed due to bad reviews he found on line. The 250 is pretty robust. The only issue I have with it is the bunk attachments. They put the bunks higher than they could otherwise be. I’ll be working out an alternate attachment scheme this summer.
I'm pondering the same issue. Birch2 and Silver Salt your advice is much appreciated. Are the bunks on both models adjustible out of the box? Do both bunk designs fit the dory hull equally well? In addition to carrying the dory, my trailer will be used to transport 2 kayaks and a SUP. (maybe all 4 at the same time!) Thanks gentlemen, Dave
I am thinking about the SUT-500 because it is good for longer boats and I plan to add cross bars for kayaks later on my own.
I am also planning to supply my own 12 inch wheels (4 hole) instead of 8 inch, plus order it for a 2 inch ball diameter.
I am finishing a NE dory w/ plans for the 89sf lug sail from RSS.
The 220 is somewhat adjustable, and my dory is comfortable on it. But to make it ideal for trailing the boat I would have to drill a couple of additional holes in the trailer and fashion a couple of custom-fit bunks. Since I have proven I can build a boat, I'm sure I can make those minor adjustments to the trailer. I just don't have to do so to trail the boat a mile to the lake.
If you are planning to have multiple boats of the same trailer, I think you should call up CLC and see what they recommend.
I have the 250 trailer and have towed my NE Dory over 2500 miles on it. It works great with no issues. And is so light that you can unhook the trailer and boat from the car and park it by hand if the space would be tough to back into. We even launched the fully loaded boat on a beach by hand becuase we were afraid the car might get stuck in the sand. The trailer tows better with some weight in the boat to prevent it from bouncing over bumps, especially at highway speed. I can't comment on the 200.
Good advice Birch2 and NYyaker, much appreciated.
A few points
I like the leaf spring suspension on the Trailex trailers...I have the 250 and love it....I know at one time the 220 had no suspension, stay away from those but the current 220s have suspensions...from what I have heard. But I prefer the 250.
I like the bunks on the 250
I added the winch and winch support to pull the boat up, and lock it in, by the bow eye.
I also added pool noodles all over the metal parts so as to not scratch the boat.
I also put a 4-wire trailer connector in the wires in the middle of the main tube so that I can take the trailer apart and carry it disassembled which I do every summer
If you order through CLC, you get the CLC model, which (I understand) has a longer main tube so the NE Dory doesnt hang off the back as much as it would with a 250 direct from Trailex
I have pictures if you like...
Curt, I'll email you this weekend. Dave (Corvus)