I am building a Northeaster Dory, and am salivating over the thought of the teardrop trailer. I'd like to buy a trailer during the current shipping promotion, so I'm thinking about buying the SUT-250 Special. The trailer needs to move the boat to the beach once or twice in the year, and back home. I'm planning on renting storage at the beach for several months a year, so the boat won't be on the trailer very often. When the boat isn't on the trailer, I'm hoping it can be used for the teardrop.
I know I'll have to work with the mounts and bunks to transition between the teardrop and the boat. That's not a problem. What I'm wondering is whether I should wait for the trailex designed for the teardrop, and use that for the boat, or if the SUT-250 Special will be enough to handle the teardrop.
Thanks, -Matt