Eastport Pram, #4 board too big

Hey all,

I'm building the EP Pram from plans and have gotten sides 1-3 wired to the transoms and am trying add the #4 sides but they are too large on the ends. The right side seems to fit perfectly on the rear transom but the bow end (and both ends on the left side) are significantly larger than the slot of the transom. They also seem about 0.5 - 1" too long.

While attaching the other board is did have to saw off a small section on the transom in order to get them to fit.

Any ideas of what I can do? Have thought about cutting a notch in the tops of the side boards for the transom to slide into.



Would add pictures but cannot figure out how to add from phone?

How to post pictures here explained in detail.

TLDR: Host your images as publicly shareable with your favorite web image hosting service. Get the picture's URL. In your CLC forum post click on the image icon (next to the question mark button when posting). Paste the URL into the pop-up and set Width to 500, hit OK.

As far as your boat, definitely need pics to understand the problem.




As you can see here the #4 board is too long by about an inch (it's more or less flush with the transom in the rear as you can see in the 2nd photo), and too tall by close to an inch. As I mentioned in my first post, I was cutting small portions out of the slots of the transoms to accomodate boards 1 - 3 as I was putting them on. Probably a blunder.

As noted above, I have it set about flush with the rear transom. It actually fits pretty well in the rear if I press it–which I am not doing sufficiently in this pic–shown here (this is NOT the case with the other side, where it's too tall in the front and the back):

Here are additional photos below for more context:

Some gappage between floor and #1:

That same area from farther back:

Here are several to show how the boards are sitting on the transom:

And a few to show the gap situation:


So that's the situation. Do I un-wire and re-wire everything? (I am skeptical as to how much better I could get it any way) Perhaps cut notches to just make it fit?

Doesn't have to be perfect or the most beautiful thing, I just want my son and I to be able to take it out.

I know I probably did a bad thing, using the side boards as Procrustean beds for the transom but... go easy on me.

Congratulations for getting your pictures to post. They make a big difference. The good news is that from what I see, you'll be able to have a nice boat when this is all done.

The first thing that pops to mind is that you're building from plans instead of a kit. The wood looks to be DIY store plywood instead of marine okoume. One huge consequence of that is a difference in how the wood bends. There is also the possibility, since you are manually cutting the parts, that an error has crept in somehow. That picture of the #4 plank looks as if something got to either the transom or the plank.

If I was there, the first thing I'd do is check the front transom against the plans and the right/left sides of the transom against each other. Then I'd check the right/left planks against each other to make sure that they are true mirror images of each other, as well as checking them against the plans to see if they are the correct size and shape. The fact that you were adjusting/trimming the transom as you were wiring hints strongly to me that something was not cut to the right shape or size. Definitely see how the parts correspond to the plans now.

Also, does the manual say anything about how to set the angle of the front transom? Based on the way that the boards progressively stick further out the farther you get from the centerline, it seems to me that the transom is not tilted forward enough. This would be a separate issue from the #4 plank not fitting. I don't know if the CNC cut kit part has the angle preset on the edge or what.

Once you've compared the pieces against the plans and each other, you will probably have the answer as to why it has fit problems. If it isn't obvious how to fix it, or if the parts are actually the correct sizes and you're still puzzled, come on back.

As I said above, the good news is that I can't see anything that will keep you from ending up with a fun and beautiful boat when this is all done. As long as the left and right sides are symmetrical and fair, it'll be a good and good-looking boat. The Eastport Pram is not a high performance boat so it does not have to be built with aerospace precision.

Good luck,




Yes, congrats on getting pics to fill the void! I've had little success in that dept.; what hosting service did you use for those?

And Laszlo's comments about the ply you've chosen struck home as I read down this thread.

Too, I wonder whether your plans (sourced from CLC, printed full-size on paper?) may have suffered some distortion in the translation from printed lines to what gets cut out in plywood.

You ought to come out OK in the end but it's gonna be more work than stitching together a kit. Pay close attention do doing a yeomanlike job with the epoxy & varnish/paint that comes after. Lumberyard ply's not known for its endurance when subjected to water torture. 


Thank you for your direction Lazlo. Spclark, I hosted the images from an S3 bucket on AWS. Was a nice solution but I accidentally cleared the bucket (that's why they have vanished)

Wanted to provide an update.

I took everything apart and checked the sizes against the plans:

- the front transom was indeed a little mishapen, though not dramactically, and given the nature of the misalignement I could not figure how it would be the culprit.

- the #4 boards were just fine and perfect mirrors of each other.


I put it all back together, tryring to really mind how I was aligning the ends of the side board with the transoms...

Still had the same problem. Though very slightly less dramatic.


As I am working with no power tools (save a drill), and since this is my first boat project, and I am indeed building with Home Depot wood, I made the executive decision to "edit" the rabbets on the 3 offending sideboard ends. I took a chisel, and small saw and added the necessary 6 - 8" curviture in order to fit the boards in.

Not ideal perhaps, but I had to cater to the fact that I was beginning to lose the will to continue, and I don't want this sitting as a sad, unfinished project. I am happy to say that even with the surgery, the middle frame and the bulkheads seem to fit. Though not as well as the should I think. Most importantly, it's looking like a boat and I am excited to continue!

I will post pictures at somepoint so that if another plan building, Home Depot wood using, wierd problem having person stumbles on these posts, they might be encouraged to power through.

And yes, I plan to do some intense expoxying to make up for the wood quality!