I am getting ready to glass and epoxy my hull and deck on my WD12. I am worried that I may not have enough of the provided epoxy and resin that came with their kit to finish the exterior hull and deck. If I find out that I am short and have to order more product, is that going to be a problem because I'm not doing the exterior all at once? I'm hoping that I have enough but it seems like the containers are less that half full now....
   I’m working on a WD14 and had the same concerns, though I’m not to the same point as you yet. IMHO I was always told it was better to have something and not need it rather than need it and not have it. Although in my own build I’ve come to the conclusion that think skim coats of small batches are the way to go, that could possibly give you time to gauge how much you are using with each coat. Worse comes to worse though, personally I bought small containers of epoxy and hardener to have on hand, knowing they were available if I needed them. Can always sell them on Craigslist if you have leftover.
   Its not a problem if you don’t do the exterior all at once as long as you complete the initial wet out of glass in one step. Fill coats, while nice if you can do them at the same time as when you did the initial glassing, can be done separately.
Thank you for both replies. When you say make sure I get the initial wet out of the glass, I believe you mean that I ensure there are no unsaturated areas of clear epoxy when I put the first coat down. And that if I get that first step done correctly it won't be a problem to go back a few days later in case I have to order more epoxy to put on subsequent coats.
If I want to buy a small amount locally is there a recommended brand or type? CLC has larger quantities for over $300 and I know I won't need that much more if I run out of what I have left now.
hi Freeflighter.
with respect to your clarification:
"When you say make sure I get the initial wet out of the glass, I believe you mean that I ensure there are no unsaturated areas of clear epoxy when I put the first coat down. And that if I get that first step done correctly it won't be a problem to go back a few days later in case I have to order more epoxy to put on subsequent coats." --- yep, you got it, that's exactly what i meant. you can't stop with only part of the glass wetted out (saturated) and some part of the glass that has not had epoxy applied.
i would tend to not mix different types of epoxy. you can buy smaller quantities of MAS from CLC:
on their website, it looks like the labelling is a bit different than when it is sold as a kit....but i am almost certain the two links i sent you are the correct a la cart options for buying the exact same stuff. i would confirm with a quick call to CLC....but you can buy extra for a lot less than $300. i have done the same (buying some small quantities from CLC) in the past. you will be hard pressed to find better pricing on equivelent epoxy.
   I think I got a half gallon and quart respectively of the same epoxy/hardener for around 160 through CLC. I agree with h though, if all else fails call CLC. I had a question last week, called, and had my answer plus answers to questions I didn’t know I had yet all within about 10 minutes. Ask for Terry, he’s great.
Thank you both. I'll be on the phone with CLC tomorrow and have them send me a smaller batch of the MAS epoxy product. I do like it and want to get going with the glassing of my WD12, as I can see the finish line approaching! I'm trying to decide if I want to add a decorative outlay panel while I'm ordering the epoxy, or possibly some lettering to add a name to the kayak. Any experience with decorations?
I put a compass rose onlay from CLC onto my schooner.

The installation was straightforward and followed the instructions and Shop Tips. The only thing to watch out for is bubbles around the edges. Fairing it with lots of thin coats of epoxy instead of a few thick ones will take care of that.

An alternative is a rice paper graphic. I made this one for my WD12 back in 2008 on a laser printer and it still looks just as good today. The rice paper had to be taped to a piece of ordinary paper to go through the printer. As you can see, once the rice paper is wet out by the epoxy, it turns totally transparent. Other people have used bubble jet printers. I don't know of any done with colors other than black

Have fun,
Your kayak is beautiful Mr. Lazlo. Looks like your cockpit coamimg and the bottom of your hull are a much darker color. Nice contrast. At what point do you do the two tone color and what did you use to make it look like that. Do you have to do it before glassing the hull or after?
Thanks for your continued help.