Flexibility after glassing

Hi all,

Gearing up to attach the deck to my Kaholo this weekend. I'm thinking about using two layers of 4oz glass for the underside of the deck. Why? Well, I have the material, I'm not concerned with adding a pound or two, and this is a stripped deck which- post sanding- is just shy of the recommended 1/4" thickness so I'm extra antsy about strength. Assuming this isn't a bad idea for some reason, my concern is that the deck (so reinforced) may be inordinately stiff and may not want to conform nicely to gentle curve of the bulkheads without causing undue stress on some part of the craft. SOP with stich and glue seems to be to bending the pieces to fit then glassing, so this is obviously a bit of a switchup already.

Fretting over nothing? Loking for trouble?

(I just realized I've had more frantic "first timer" questions with my first build than I did as a new parent...)



Patrick, I did my 1st Kaholo with layer of 4oz the full length of the inside of the deck and a 6 oz deck patch on the inside that was in the standing area of the deck. I see no problem with what you are doing. Your pre glassed deck should bend enough . Make sure your hull is supported well with no twist or warp before you glue the deck down. It almost a must to have a helper to lay the deck on to keep from smearing the glue off of the bulkheads. I used epoxy mixed with thicksill to glue it down and used brick to weight the deck down.

Thanks Wood Ogre-

Got it glassed and glued down with no trouble. Needed a little extra persuasion at the bow, but it was otherwise quite cooperative. Onward and upward!

