Keeping my Kaholo Build Light!

I'd like to keep the weight of my Kaholo to a minimum - so far following all plan suggestions.  Wondering about some other ideas and looking for feedback.

This board will be for flatwater cruising - no surfing - with that in mind...

1) Do we really need to glass both sides of the deck?  what about re-inforcing (double glass) just the standing area only?  Don't the bulkheads and stringers take most of the weight anyway? 

2) Other areas that don't require glass - side panels?  I built a double from kit and only glassed the bottom of the boat - rest was varnish and paint - it held up very well and came out very light.

Anything else?  It seems that if the board doesn't suffer abuse in the surf, it could be lightened up considerably - Look at the carbon racers out there - they are actually quite fragile - but very fast and light.


Paul - in Seattle







I am doing just as you suggested on the 12'6" I am building now, only glassing the top of the deck with an additional layer where your weight will be. I would think if you glassed all the hull seams over the fillet you should be able to leave the glass off the side panels and bottom. Keep in mind the glass does offer protection against anything you hit, (rocks, logs, bottom abrasion, etc,) and rigidity to the bottom. With the 12'6" and I think the new 14 your bulkheads are closer together so a little less need for double glass on the deck. I have no problem with the weight of my 14 built as planned but it did come in at 41 pounds. I don't see how I could have saved 9 pounds to come in around the 32 estimated as the finish weight. I do have the long deck pad and varnish 6 or 7 coats so there is additional weight there. If you build as you are thinking keep it in flat water, no tropical storm downwind runs OK?


David , did you build from a kit or did you build from scratch,? What kind of plywood, and what kind of wood for stringers and sheer clamps ? Whats the big thing about trying to save weight anyway ? Easier to get off the car ? Once it’s in the water what difference does it make.? If some one is a hard core racer then get a carbon fiber.! If some one is interested in fitness or fun then 40 or so pounds is fine.

I built from the kit, I really have no issue with the weight unless carrying it a distance to get the the water.  Once in the water not an issue at all. I’ll take the weight for the beauty of the wood any day over the plastic boards. Plastic has it’s place and I will probably own one soon designed more for surfing.

Thanks guys for the responses - I'm not a weight weenie - just looking to lighten it up as much as possible where practicle.  I have two epoxy SUPs now for surfing and weight matters a lot when getting on a wave and turning etc.

I plan to race my Kaholo - no illusion of keeping up with the elites - more for fun and fitness.  Lightness is goodness up to the point of making it too flimsy and fragile.  I do plan to glass the bottom for stiffness and protection.

The best part for me is I can build this board for a third the cost of a carbon racer and it will be much prettier to boot and way more fun in the process!



Go light. You can always beef up if you need to. I don't know about the kaholo but IMO the layups reccomended by plan suppliers are on the heavy side. It makes sense for them to do so, and I would do the same if I was selling boat plans. You have stated that won't be surfing it and that you plan to race (downwind??) so go light.

I am aiming for around 15-16 kgs (about 35lbs) with my Pax20/surfski. I can't see why an SUP should be heavier than that part.