Glassing the Peeler

I am building the peeler and have glassed the bottom twice and the sides once.  I have just put the bottom skids on and plan to glass the bottom again. 

It looks in the manual like the glass goes over the bottom and the sides, though it says to just glass the bottom.  My question is this: can I just glass the bottom (over the skids) or do I need to glass the sides again too?

Thanks.  Jack



   I just glassed the bottom


When you put the last layer of glass on the bottom, you'll probably have some overlap on the sides and transom.  All you'll need to do is fair the overlapping glass and resin into the sides with reasonably fine sandpaper.  I used a random orbital sander on my Peeler.  The overlap is good because the chine is likely to get more wear than the sides.

The hardest part of applying that final bottom glass is gettling it to lie smoothly around the skids.  Make sure the skids and the center piece are well-filleted with wood dough and that there are no air pockets under the glass when you're done.  If there are, you'll have to inject resin into the bubbles before you paint.  On the bright side, only the fish ever see the bottom so you're fine as long as everything is sealed from water penetration.



   Thanks Jeff and Dick for your feedback, that's helpful. I'll go over the chine as you suggested Dick. I enjoyed seeing ABOUT TIME, glad you posted those pictures. She really looks great. 




Where are you going to use your Peeler?

