Hanging Kayak

OK. My 4 coats of System Three Marine Spar Varnish on the Hull feels hard to the touch after 24 Hours.  But the Tech expert at S3 Tells me that MSV doesnt fully Cure for 10-12 days.  That being the case Im a bit afraid to flip the boat and rest it on the horses in the hot garage for fear it will melt into the straps and leave an indent. 

I certainly  do not want to wait 10 days to varnish the deck, So I need suggestions about hanging a wood duck 12 from the rafters.  Im thinking I'll put a 2x4 or pvc pipe in the Hatch hole side to side and another long one in the cockpit front to back.  And strap clamps around those hanging from the rafters.  Anyone tried it? Does it work?

Or am I worried about nothing, and just flip the boat on the horses? 



   Haste makes waist, unless your going to miss your deadline and time. Why are you in a hurry? Sure would be nice to see a beautiful boat than one that was in a hurry.

   Isn't the fingernail test traditional? After about three days for drying, find an out-of the way place on the hull and press your fingernail into the vanished hull with some force. If you don't see a noticeable indentation, I'd be inclined to flip the boat on the sawhorses and varnish the deck. 

I used Interlux on my NE Dory and flipped the boat on the sawhorses after letting the varnish dry about that long. I had no problems at all.

   I messed with a couple of ideas on hanging the boat. after about ten minutes I decided it was a bad idea.  I did the nail test, it is hard to the touch, and I did go ahead and flip it.  I think it is OK on the horses now.    Didn't varnish though.  Instead I did some more sanding.  

   Got up early this morning to put a coat on the deck before I head off for the real job. Did some even more sanding and wiping off.  Pulled out a foam brush, and was interupted by a little birdie,  "You're short on time, you dont want to rush this!",...

   And so my WD12 sits smoothly waiting on the horses till tonight, not fallen out of a sling at least, and not with a  F#@&ed Up varnish job.

Thanks for now to all you little birdies. 
