Happy varnishing!

I wet sanded the hull with 400 grit and wiped down with 333. Varnish thinned 10% with penetrol, 10% mineral spirits. Rolled on with 1/8th nap foam roller, tipped out with foam brush, 18" at a time. The stuff went on like buddah! No skttering, no runs, no lap marks or holidays. And it took a quarter the time as previous coats.


Tonight I flip it over and the deck gets the same treatment. The end is in sight.

Thanks to all for the tips and advice.

Supposed to be a nice weekend here. Hopefully I can get the thing wet. 



Nice boat, Kathy! Kind of a flashback looking at your pictures.

I find it interesting that we used similar deck patterns (like the one in the manual). What I found in laying out the wood supplied was that there weren't many of the really dark strips and it lent itself to that pattern. Which I do like, but next time I may request a different mix of woods.

Now that I have a good feel for the process I'll probably get more creative on my wife's boat (or mine, if she steals this one) ;-)


Airing the varnish…with brewski