i was enthralled by Nick's MOA night heron as well.....
but i ended up doing hatches....and frankly, i think it looks ok. i do use my night heron a lot and was very particular about balancing aesthetics with functionality....and i just could not get comfortable without hatches and the issues it would create.....
in addition to lunch - and you can't paddle if you don't have lunch - there are just things that you may want to bring along - extra water, a small tripod chair, some extra clothes for changing weather, etc that if you don't have access to storage you may end up trying to put on the deck/under bungee....and that does not look nice. in my night heron, for example, i have a place for a camelback water bag that goes in the rear hatch and then lays up against the rear bulkhead and a tube that comes out to bring me water - very slick - lots of fresh water - nothing on the deck :)...but need a rear hatch
next, the night heron is an awesome touring boat - which means you can click off a lot of miles and explore.....but if you want to do that, it really benefits from a retractable skeg....and its hard to have a skeg without a rear hatch. and if you are going to have a rear hatch - a front hatch balances it out. last year i took second place at the big-little-boat-festival in the eight mile event in my night heron....only beat by a purpose built racing style kayak. but you will want a retractable skeg if you are doing distance work.
finally, this boat you should have bulkheads... and if you don't have a hatch, you can't ensure that your compartments are dry. you could build without bulkheads and then you need to install float bags....but i think they are a real hassle to work with.
on hatches, there are a couple different hatch options that range from them being a decorative element to flush hatches that, if done well, practically disappear. if i really wanted that look (no hatch look) i would consider one of the flush hatch options.
below is my night heron...and on this boat i did some things to make the rigging blend in with the hull (except the neon - which was there to prevent people from running me over). but i used a rigging scheme with no bolts and the accompanying silver dots....so its kind of like black on black....and i think it came out pretty slick.

finally, i would also say the night heron just paddles exceptionally....so you may find you want to use it becuase it just goes so well.... and that little functionality i talked about above will be valued...the one at MOMA isn't going anywhere.