I have a Jimmy Skiff 2, purchased from a private builder. It is well built, rows very well and appears a stable platform. However, when I sailed it in very light conditions I managed to capsize it to windward. Once on its side I could not right it without assistance from another boat. (I am an experienced Laser sailer so am used to righting capsized dinghies).
The hull floats high which is a tribute to the floatation in the side tanks (I think), but this pushed the mast downwards at 45 degrees. No amount of tugging on the centreboard would bring the boat up, even bow to wind etc.
I plan to use the JS2 for dinghy cruising so am concerned about this as a safety issue. I have checked the mast weight and dimensions and they are to plan.
One option that I am condidering is to reduce the mast height, perhaps to JS1 dimensions and get the sail recut accordingly. Not sure how this would affect the boat balalnce.
Is there anyone out there with a similar experience and are there any suggestions please?
I've done a lot of training for youth sailing - smaller, lighter weight people. Some boats are difficult for them to right- 420s, especially MC and C scows, and very especially catamarans, etc.) and other than a masthead float (not a good thing for racing, if serious), a good solution is a righting line. I just did an internet search on "small sailboat righting line" which came up with a very large number of hits, various methods of rigging diagrammed out. U-Tube videos, etc.. - So I won't try to explain here with more words. Rigging so that you have a system that allows you to get a hold on a line that ultimately rolls all the way around across the top of the boat to the far gunwale or part way up the mast is especially effective, as the force stays on the boat as it rolls up (and in some boat styles might also help with re-boarding).
here is one (not the over-guwale type) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoqx-_ZFa6s
Flotation at the masthead? Unstep the mast before righting?
Thank you both for your quick response and your suggestions. I will follow them up.
Will also do some more testing of the boats stability in shallow water and check that the mast and rig floats. Its summer here in Australia now so no excuses :)