Just bought a used 17 Chesapeake


I want to touch up the varnish on my used CLC 17 Chesapeake. What grade sandpaper (220 grit etc,?) would I use to start. I plan on using Zspar 1015 Captian's varnish. Kayak wood seems in good shape. I would appreciate any help. I don't want to sand too deep, this will be my first venture with a wooden kayak and I just want to do things the right way from the start. Thanks for your thoughts.

Hi Alan,

welcome to the club.  the CLC website, in their shop tips area, has an article on refinishing a kayak  http://www.clcboats.com/shoptips/finishing-tips/refinishing.html

that said, i have done it myself more that a couple times with my fleet.  a couple ideas to share with you.

  • think of your CLC kayak as a composite kayak with a beutiful wood core sheathed in clear fibreglass/epoxy.  so, unless there is substantial damage to the glass sheathing, most of refinishing involves sanding removing paint/varnish back to the clear glass/epoxy.  you don;t typically sand back to the wood core itself.
  • make sure to have protection from the dust that inevitably gets created in the process.  a ross sander with a vacume attached, a simple respirator and goggles to protect your eyes comes in handy.  you do not want to breath in the dust you will create.
  • most of this is about patience and following the instructions on the paint/varnish can for good surface prep and application.   i have two boats in my current fleet at 14 years of age....and they look like they were built new this winter.....so these boats can last and stay beautfiul with just a little care and attention.

best of luck



What Howard says with the addition that if the boat only needs new varnish, then just wet sand it with #400 wet & dry paper. Wet sanding will control the dust, be much quieter than a power sander and not have as much danger of cutting through any glass and into the wood when it shouldn't.

If after a complete round of wet sanding it has some deep scratches that the wet sanding didn't get out, then you can locally sand those areas with a coarser grit (and possibly a power sander).

Have fun,




 Thank You, Howard and Laszlo. Good information to know before I get started. Sure

don't want to breathe in any harmful stuff either. I appreciate your responses.

Allan B.


Also, how much varnish is usually required on average, for a complete deck and hull touch-up? A quart? half gallon? etc.?


A quart is more than I ever needed for one CLC boat, and that was starting with bare wood.


   Thank You, Laszlo. Info is appreciated.
