Kaholo as sit on top

Was wondering if anyone had considered adding a removable suspension seat to the 14' model and using it with a double paddle as a fishing rig that remains a SUP? Seen a few SUP fishing rigs, but they look bogus and tiring. I like the idea of dropping a comfortable seat and using it as a fish killer when stand up is not the play for the day. Pretty quick and easy build, but a few braces and tie downs would be needed to take the seat. Anybody?

That idea keeps periodically surfacing here for at least the last 10 years (last seen circa 2013). So far, there's been a bit of a party each time, but no one has actually done it.

Want to be first?

I've also seen a Youtube video where someone mounted a cooler on their SUP that they then used for a seat while fishing.




I just finished a 14 foot Kaholo.  I’ve been thinking of adding one of these.    https://www.boatstogo.com/sup-seat-sand-chair.asp

I haven’t been able to use the board yet.  I live on the Mississippi River, we have too much water and current yet.  Also thought of using https://www.oarboard.com/

I’m going to use it as a SUP board first, before I try anything else.

 Yea, the cooler idea is better left in a boat with freeboard. Not sure I want to be adding a box to a streamlined board. Figured on using a fish sleeve for the limited times I dont release. Thinking quality matters, so would look a bit higher on the kayak seat quality and aluminum frame. Something like these folks offer: https://brooklynkayakcompany.com/collections/kayak-seats

or another mid priced unit: https://www.austinkayak.com/Perception-Pescador-Pro-Seat/ACK26515P.html

These folks make great stuff, but this would blow my  budget: https://www.wildernesssystems.com/us/products/airpro-max-seat

Might give it a go. Wood kit isnt too pricey. Just need to finish a couple already on the bench. Got a 14' hybrid wood duck working and modifying the CLC Peace canoe into a single paddler light weight bateu on the CAD program. Been dreaming of a Wanderlust opened up for two, maybe adding a sail rig and outboards like a racing sailing canoe....run it lug rigged calm with my wife, then grab a buddy and hike out like a lunatic with a full spread of sail......crazy. Thanks for chiming in.


   This is my fishing Kaholo.

rigging: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw4pB8cSUSQ

night fishing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fBaMMj5jEs&t=38s

I am very pleased with him and I can hardly wait for this year's holiday at sea. Last year I was fishing every day from six to 10 PM in the evening. This year I record a video, how I use an anchor.


   Bogus?  Yeah I think so too. But my favorite fishing vessel is a center console, Yamaha powered boat.

Heres a guy that fishes the blue water on a sup with a cooler on the boat.


This is probably out of the USA but they do it likke that in the Florida Panhandle too.  He likely likes to be able to move about and not fixed in a seat.

Anybody else disturbed by seeing someone that far offshore, playing with large predator fish, with and without sharp pointy noses, and not wearing a PFD? There's a Darwin Award with his name on it, just waiting.



Fishing Kaholo 14 with 2 thrusters and electronic steering and all other equipment:
