Since many have suggested adding a deck plate to my Kaholo, I have on on the way. Two questions.
1.) It sounds like you add this last correct? So totally finish the top, than cut the hole, than install with the screws and some silicone adhesive or something? What are most using to cut that hole?
2.) If I have a deck plate and can then allow the inside to breath from time to time, can I skip the breather tube?
I installed deck plate after last coat of varnish. I used a Bonsai Saw (from CLC) to cut the hole. Since my deck plate was cut out from where there was fabric on my deck I took cut out and cut it down to fit in top of deck plate to match. There is a screw "mount" on bottom of cap for this. I coated edges of hole and cut out with epoxy. (When starting to cut hole I used a pilot hole of 1/3" close to edge so my cut out would fit in deck plate top.)
Not sure if I am following you Phil? Not sure what you mean by "but it down to fit in top of deck plate to match" Don't you just cut the hole, drop it in place, and screw it down with either silicone or epoxy to create a seal? Is there a plate that goes under the plate that somehow I have to get inside the boat on the underside? Is it flexible? I did not get it yet in the mail so it will probably make more sense when it arrives.
I get it now. Very cool idea.
Still wondering about the breather tube question? If I have a hatch like you I still need the breather tube?
I wondered the same thing why both? I called CLC and was tolded If you don't remember to vent board from hot sun to change of cool water you will end up with problems. It would be a pain to loosen and tighten deckplate for proper venting everytime I use it, I know I would either forget to do it or forget and leave loose and allow water in board. I covered plug and tubing with yellow electrical tape to match board!!
I read some other post from a guy that drilled one or two holes in the cover of the deck plate, and secured under the hole some sort of sponge or something to catch any water that potentially dripped into the hole. Sounds like now and then he just opened the deck plate and let it dry off and he was fine. Seems like a shame to install a plate and still have to have the breather tube.
Can anyone else comment on this?
It's real simple, if you want a breather put one in. If you don't, and I didn't, then drill a 1/16" hole in the deck plate and go paddling. No water has ever gone in the hole in my deck plate. SEEYA Jack
While there you have it then!! Thanks for keeping is simply. I think I will just dril that hole and see how it goes. I can always look in there now and then for water. Adding a breather tube later isn't any harder than adding it now I guess.