Kaholo breathing tube and rough water.

I am worried thy when I paddle my Kaholo in the surf that a fall could cause the breathing tube to get ripped right out of its hole. I know lots of people on here have gone with different breathing tubes, so I thought I would get some opinions. Is the clc tube surf-worthy or should I change what I have up there. 

Mine has a CLC style breather tube and not to worry.  Board suffered a deck crack last seaason when my Daughter's friend did a hard knee plant on it - crack leaked. My plan, pull  the breather plug and drain the water, about a quart. The rubber cork did NOT want to come out! Tug, pull, twist, and finnally itv gave it up. No way a wave would have dislodged it.

   If one installed a 6” deck plate with a ditty bad would you still need a breathing tube?

   If one installed a 6” deck plate with a ditty bad would you still need a breathing tube?

DGDK- if you go this route you'll still want to drill one or two 1/8" holes in the deck plate. This has worked great for me, though I'm not dealing with surf. It may let in a few more drops of water compared with the "snorkle" design of a breather tube, but the bag insert seems to wick it away and I've never noticed any real moisture accumulation. 

Good luck,


   You can also use one of the Drain Plugs that CLC sells, as long as you remember to open it when you’re through with your day on the water and close it before you go out next time.  This is the same routine followed by windsurfers with their boards.   I have these plugs on my Sailrig amas and they work great. 

 >>  if you go this route you'll still want to drill one or two 1/8" holes in the deck plate. <<

Whoa. Right idea but too much hole. You don't need to give water excuses to get into your craft.

I built a bubbler for a 40' boat that spends the winter in the water. A 1/16" hole transmits a LOT of air under light pressure (2 psi).

As a breather vent a single 1/16" hole should do fine for the Kaholo or most anything else in or under the small boat category. I'd go smaller if I had a fine wire and the inclination to keep the hole cleaned out.

Chenier- For what it's worth, in five years I haven't taken on any detectable moisture through those holes. As I said, I'm not dealing with waves crashing repeatedly over the deck. If I was, I'd probably use a different venting method altogether. On the other hand, I have heard a whistle of air through the hole after placing a hot, car-topped board on the water, so I'd be reluctant to push my luck with something smaller. 

It's the quick temp/pressure change to an overwise sealed vessel that's of concern- a bubbler has a very different application in my understanding, so I'm not sure where you're going with the reference.

Good luck,
