My kayaks are finished bright - of course paint would be easier for touch up. I'm not experiencing much abrasion here in TX as I try to avoid the water where I know I'll scrape (I've got a plastic one for banging in rapids), but even so I've used these tough protective strips on the keel. At a minimum, it lets me set the boat down on some rocks or a concrete ramp or parking lot, even if I know I won't be dragging it around, at least knowing that I don't have to worry about a lot of scratching as I load gear in the boat, etc..
"PereGuard Kayak Keel Guard 2" Width BLACK" is available on Amazon and I'm sure many other places. I think you have width choices up to 4". I stuck with 2". You might consider 2" width fore and aft where the joinery angle is more acute, and 4" near the middle of the boat where the angle is more obtuse.
I started doing a Google search on different options to discuss, but quit because there are enough that you'll want to do your own picking and choosing. Other options include brand names Keel Guard, KeelEasy and Gator Guard. There is a place in Wyandotte, MI on e-Bay selling 2" width KeelEazy for $4 a foot, and you get to choose the length. Looks like a good option. KeelEasy and Pereguard seem to be the same stuff.
If you go this route, add enough to wrap some or all of the rise of the stem and stern upturns. Follow instructions, use a heat gun and give a nice hard strecth/pull around bow/stern curves to avoid wrinkles.
I've also tried some of that "as seen on TV" Flex Tape. It works, too, but has a softer surface, is harder to apply without wrinkles and probably not as good as things mentioned earlier.
You could do chines as well as the keel, or at least chines near the middle of the boat where it is wider, if desired. Even with chines and keel done, you would still have exposed bottom areas, but not the areas that take the high-pressure scraping.
This option does add a little weight - maybe no more than Laszlo's bottom coating, though.
In all cases, once applied this stuff is pretty well stuck and I think will require a mild heat gun to remove.
Just a very quickly and easily installed, and realatively easily removed, option you might consider. I think the appearance of the boat remains fine with this stuff installed, and it isn't visible (except bow and stern) when right side up on the water, so there's that reason to stay that way!