At the request of my daughter, the deck of her light pine stripped deck of the shearwater 16 I am building will be a bright pink rose color. ( Hull be bright white. )
I used a aniline dye powder with alchohol. Need sunglasse to look at it.
The test varnish with Interlux schooner does not look so bad but I would like a more clear coating on the deck.
Any ideas?
Will poylurethane be to brittle?
I used Epifanes RapidClear on my sailing skiff and am very happy with it. It is a clear varnish that can be overcoated in hours without wet sanding. It is a semi gloss so not as shiny as a gloss. So far it has held up well and shows scratches less than a high gloss.
Second on Epifanes RC.
Hey Mark, is that a GIS with a balanced lug?
I'd really like to see more photos of your rigging tackle, maybe just one from opposite angle. Have a few minutes?
Really dosen't matter if the "clear" product filters RV. Otherwise you'd have RV damage to the epoxy finish. Marine varnish is formulated to resist RV and be in the wet environment.
Yes, GIS yawl. Two picts from the other side. The two lines run aft are halyard (stbd) and vanghaul (port). Since taking these pictures, I have replaced the lower block on the vanghaul with the correct one, a double with becket.