I am thinking of building a Passagemaker, which I would mostly sail but would also row (e.g., when the wind dies down and you're still not home yet). But before I build one, I would like to hear what is it like to sail one? Is it fun? Or too sluggish? Or whatever? The CLC website has many postings about what it is like to build one - but not much on what is it like to sail. What do y'all think about sailing the Passagemaker? Mostly (close to 100% of the time) I would be sailing on freshwater lakes in the upper mid-west. I live in southern Wisconsin.
I just sent you an email in reply to your question through the Builder's Club.
In brief, for anybody else looking in, I can state that the PMD is no slug as a sailboat. More fun than a barrel of monkeys...but much more obedient. Ours, a take-apart version, has the lug rig, the better to quickly switch from sailing to rowing and back. With Doug Fowler's wonderfully cut sail, she sails way better'n we'd hoped if I get her set up correctly. She's a very versatile, useful little boat. Makes a great classroom for teaching young people about messing about in boats.
First, Builders Club?
I built the one part hull with gunter-sloop rig and wooden mast option. It sails like a dream! I sail primarily on Saratoga Passage by Wooden Boat Center on Camano Island so I have some current to deal with. “Toy Yot” sails so close-winded, I never have to worry about being able to get back to the ramp.
I also recently had the pleasure of sailing one in Druif Bay off Water Island USVI, take apart gunter-sloop with aluminum mast. We sailed main only through the mooring field and with jib over to Flamingo Cove with three people. See “Passagemaker in the Wild” thread a few days ago.
I built the sails from Sailrite kits and had to request a drawing laying out reef points. I’m able to sit on the aft thwart which induced just enough heeling for the bottom not to slap. I’m so pleased with the improved performance over my lug-rigged Eastport pram that it’s worth the few minutes of additional rig time. People asking me about the boat takes more time than anything.
A tip 'o the hat and tons of thanks to Cap'n Skully and Gramps/Michael for those informative resonses. Fair Winds, Scott/WaterEngineer