MAS epoxy not avail in New Zealand


I am ready to start the epoxy process on my SUP, can you advise the quantities of the  west system epoxy that I will need - here's my thinking..

105 resin - 4L

207 hardener - 2L

403 microfibres - 1L( for the wood flour and the cell-o-fill)


Does this sound correct?

   If you go to the page on this site for your SUP and scroll down to the bottom of the kit options there is a blue tab labeled "Materials List for Plans Builders". Clicking on this will display (no surprise) what is needed for the kit. If you click on the epoxy economy pack it will list the type and amount of the MAS components in the package.

WEST should one to one with the MAS. Heads up though - the WEST fillers are not the same color as the MAS. The 407 'Low Density Fiaring Filler' (micro-balloons) is dark purple. The 410 Microlight Fairing is light tan which does not darken much in the epoxy. 

   My observation over the weekend would be to use an epoxy that is readily available in the local area.  Exact specific coverage may vary by application and applicator. So if you have to order it and like me go out to the shop on Saturday with help and find yourself low on epoxy you loose a day. Otherwise a quick trip to the store and you are still in business.