mirage drive

Chuck, I’d be grateful for the pics / video for the mirage drive.  brentkend@yahoo.com


If you're still following this thread, I missed your reply back in February. Let me know if you're still interested in me hosting your pics and/or video.



I just got to thinking about converting my Mill Creek 16.5 with a Mirage unit.   Just googled it up and low and behold someone has already done it. I would love to see some pictures if you've got them please.

Anyone that can and would be agreeable, please send pics, video and info on installing a Hobie Mirage Drive in a Mill Creek 13 and/or 16.5

I forgot my email. Please send pics, video and info on the Hobie Mirage Drive installed in a MC 13 or MC 16.5 to edward.s