mirage drive

Has anyone tried to modify a clc boat to more of a sit on top design? I am fairly adept with the materials and have built stitch and glue boats before. I like the engineering and design of Hobie's Mirage drive and have been thinking about modifying a clc boat to accept this drive (which mandates an open cockpit design). Any thoughts?

I have a Hobie Kayak catalog and found the Mirage device listed for a little under $500. I’m interested in info on  the Mill Creek installation also. Can the Mirage be installed in the Mill Creek 16.5 and still have the front seat in place?

I would think that the Sea Island Sport would be a natural for this, since it's already a sit on top.

I had looked at doing this with my Wood Duck 12, but even with its massive cockpit opening there's not enough room for my legs to operate the drive.



Purely for interest -what’s the Mirage drive?


 Harrison, please keep us posted if you go ahead with this project, I would be very interested. 

 Harrison, I have built several MCs ( 13 and 16 )with mirage drives installed.They are very fast and stable. if you are interested I can send pics or video clips to your e-mail.

The mirage drive is a bicycle type pedaling system propelling a flapper mechanism under the kayak. They are available on Hobie Kayaks. Can the Mirage Drive unit be purchased separately? If so I too would be interested in learning what clc kayaks might accommodate this device.

The Mirage drives can be got form a Hobie dealer and ther are verious high performance drives that can be had as well. SEEYA Jack

I should have said high performance blades. SEEYA Jack

I am currently building a Mill Creek 13 and I am very interested in any info on the mirage drive. Chuck, I think you indicated you have pictures and video of a MC 13 with the mirage drive. Please post or send to me.( w4fas@cox.net)




i'd like to see the photoes of the Mill Creek 13 &16.5 with the mirage. My email is tweldon@wildblue.net.



G'day Chuck,

 I would like to see the MC13 with the Mirage drive also please.




    ...this might get pulled. But here's an article on how to install a mirage drive into a wood kayak. Hope it helps.


Excellent dig! That looks relatively simple but the hieght of the box seems a bit high. We own a mirage drive double Hobie "barge" and the insert areas are no where near that deeply inset into the boat and little or no water gets into the boat. With the brace area to catch any slop, you could keep it cleared with a cup or large sponge on each side.

…you have to remeber. The Hobie is a sit on top. The water level is below the top deck of the yak. With a normal sit in kayak, you have to compensate for the lack of a double hull or water will come rushing in the well.

 I will send any one who is interested in the mirage drive installations I have done the pics and video. However I am in the middle of an audit at work and will not be able to do this until the 23rd. As a side note, two more MC 16s are being built by friends of mine to recieve Mirage drives. One ride is all it takes.

Chuck, I'd love to see/have that stuff. Got 2 12 foot Little Kate canoes that the drives would probably put on a plane!




Thanks for the pics. It looks like you customized the mirage drives with a wooden extension on the foot pedals. A really great looking kayak. I bet you get rave reviews.


(Or anyone whio has his pics) How about posting the pics to this thread? If you have problems posting, I'll be happy to help out.



Laslo, if you could help me post the pics  and or the video that would be great. Also I believe that the woodduck you built would take this conversion . If you can sit in the cock pit and pull your knees toward your chest (about 8" to 10" of travel from fully extended)with your heels down on the cockpit floor and your toes dont hit the deck then it should work.