My Hobie Mirage powered Sea Island Sport

I modified my Sea Island Sport plans to add a Hobie Mirage Drive.  Here's a link to a YouTube video of the build and initial Sea Trials.  I'm very happy with how it moves and frees up my arms for fishing.  It's faster and lighter than my friend's Hobie kayak, and I think it looks better.

   Hi Tim,

Totally awesome,  I am in the finishing stage of mine and you should have posted your progress ealier in the build and I would have stole your idea!

Anyway, have you figured a way to pickup and move the kayak by yourself. I am thinking 3-4 foot  thick lines on each side of the cockpit with  bolted thru webbing or something. 

Maybe I build another one with the drive.  Again, very very impresive. 


   Thanks Anthony,     I haven't tried to carry this kayak alone.  It's heavier than yours with the Mirage drive features and rudder, and it's a handful.   I think wheels of some kind are required if you need to move it very far.  I made a cart from an old jogging stroller.  If I was to try why you're suggesting I think I would put two comfortably handles on one side and bolt thru some interior reinforcement to spread the load.   Something like these.  Boncas Replacement Kayak Carry Handles with Hardware(2 Pack)
good luck,  Tim



   How did you lock your drive in?  I have several wood strip kayaks and three Hobies but now I am building the CLC Tandem and I plan to add a mirage drive in the rear cockpit.  There will be a false floor.  I have a fire damaged Revolution that I got from a friend whose kayak shop burned down and was going to cast a mold or the drive well. 

I made up some stainless steel brackets that copy the locking mechanism that Hobie uses.  I could send you some pictures if you pm me your email.  


Here's a Dropbox link to the photos of the locking mechanism and Hobie interface   


   Thanks for the pictures!

   where did you place your rudder steering handle and how did you route your steering cables