I will probably become a real nuisance to the forum over the coming months as I build my NE Dory, so apologies up front! I love everything about the CLC Dory design with one exception, the way the mast is stepped. I personally think the black plastic thumbscrews look out of place for a classic wooden boat, and more importantly i think the mast partner makes moving forward a problem as one has to step up and over. which is not easy at times if the boat is rocking. I have seen dories with different set ups that seem to me, more in keeping with the classic look, opens up the forward section and allows for the addtiion of an airtight floatation compartment. Additionally it makes it much easeir to board. I am not trying to recreate the wheel but just wondered what other's opinons are, pro and con if a modification was made similar to the below picture?

After looking through all of the thousands of posts, i found Blue Heron's boat which has a modification on the bow. Below are a few pics from his album and I am curious as to other builders comments in reference to his modfication, pro and con.

I don't know about that mast partner in your photo because it appears to eliminate that area as a seat. At least as a comfortable seat. If it were level with the top of the seat it would seem to me to be a more comfortable solution. If that round access hatch in the bulkhead were moved to the side there would be plenty of room behind the bulkhead for sufficient bracing of the partner.
No doubt it eliminates it as a seat, but sure makes for a nice step and eliminates the need to step over the mast partner as currently being used on the NED. I agree with your suggestion to raise it to the level of the mast partner and move the access to the side. Sure would add addiitonal air-tight storage.
The more I think about this type of modification another beneift comes ot mind in thit also elimantes the mast partner being seperate and having to be stored if rowing. Plus the unsightly, in my opinonn plastic thumbscrews.
Looking at the picture you posted. I personally like to look of the Dory as it was designed. But to each his own. If you don't like the plastic knobs, make your own. if you can get access to a lathe turn round wood knobs, drill and mount the appropriate size threaded rod and away you go. If I was going to make the change you pictured, I would extend the flotation compartment to completely encompass the mast. This would make a nice small seat when the mast was not being use. Please remember, I have not built a Dory yet, it is still just a dream for me. So take what I say with the appropriate grain of salt.
I think the removable mast partner is a tremendous plus. If you are going out for a row with a friend, you simply remove and stow the mast step. Presto! The forward rowing station is clear and the boat jumps ahead under power from two sets of oars. If the wind comes up, in goes the mast partner, up goes the mast, and off goes the boat under sail. (This assumes the unstayed lug rig.)
In terms of strength, the mast partner should be as high as possible (i.e., crossing the rails) in order to reduce the leverage that the sail exerts. Could the lower mast partner in your picture be on a boat with stays?
As i was looking at various designs, I overlooked the Skerry rig, which has exactly the type of layout I was thinking about. Is there any reason this could not be adapted to the NE Dory? The mast suppport is lower than on the NE Dory and the step has the benefit of a water tight storage for added floatation...

If it works on the Skerry, it ought to work on the NE dory, too. The same sail is used for both and your photos show an unstayed mast.
I have long considered adding a "deck" in the bow of my dory that would sit about 3" above the top of the mast step, forward of the mast, and conform to the shape of the bow, putting foam sheets under for flotation. I was hoping it would make it easier to step out onto shore via the bow.
Maybe subliminal thinking came into play from the Skerry....but to your idea of replacing the mast partner...interesting idea...one concern is if a wrap around deck ala Skerry would be strong enough to replace the concept of a mast partner at the rail height...this may be an issue for John H to advise on.
Also, as we know, it is difficult, if not very hard, to row from the forward seat with the mast partner still in. Would a non removable "deck" with a wrap around the mast area with a hole for the mast allow one to row from the forward seat more comfortably than is the case with the current mast partner installed?
Interesting discussion..
Curt, I share your thoughts. However I think you could modify the Skerry desgin and not have it wrap around simply square it off like a thwart.