Need help with my Eastport Pram

Hello, I bought the plans in 2010, cut out the parts and then left it for a couple of years. Finally got started again this past weekend and was ready to stich the strakes together but discovered that my bottom piece is 2" shorter than the first strake. I've double checked the measurments against the plans and everythings seems correct. Is this normal and if so, do I start at the bow or stern? 



   I have never looked at the plans but from the pictures posted I would say the fore and aft transoms have an angle to them so yes that sounds corrct. Also it looks like you would start at the feel planks and work toward the sheer. For the garboard plank, the next plank I would start in the middle (admidships) and work toward each end, a couple stitches forward then aft.

hope that helps


   Thanks Bruce!

   Finally figured out where I went wrong (though it was salvageable). I rebatted the wrong side of each strake so now I need to use some epoxy filler before fiberglassing the inside. Looks like a boat now that I've got it stitched and glued!