Not to be picky, but I've read of a (now deceased) gentleman who made it his purpose in life to correct the use of "nor'easter" .
He contended that it had never been pronounced this way in the old days of sail. Perhaps since there is a sou'wester hat, someone thought it was salty to pronounce a northeaster storm in the same fashion, and others (weathermen especially) thought they were being salty and knowledgeable to use it. So now everyone says it that way.
Don't know myself, but I feel sure he would be happy to see you spell --and pronounce too, now-- it the way you did. Perhaps his spirit had some influence on you.
I’m happy you liked "Northeaster". It just says dory to me. I’ll pick up my plans at O’fest '09 and bring the boat to O’fest '10. SEEYA Jack
Whoa!! I just clicked on Product Catalog and Sailboats and WOW!!..there is the Northeaster Dory in all of it’s glory!
thats the rowing craft ive been waiting for! im already saving up for it,