Just finished fiberglassing the inside of my Dory. Only mistake so far was submerging the panel (strake) wires in epoxy instead of following the directions: glue between them, then pull them, then fill in. Just more work and sanding. The copper wire dissappears nicely using the 80 grit paper. Along that line, do buy the quality sandpaper. There is a big difference and it's worth it.
The pastry bag method for dispensing epoxy (fillets and the like) works like a charm. Like anything, you need to get a feel for how much of the corner to cut off. After that, 'easy-squeezee.'
What a pleasure the MAS epoxy is. No odor at all.
Overall, on schedule to complete the boat by late winter in time to sledge it in to our cabin for blissful rows on Lake Denali.