Hi there Mikeflys
Some great comments provided, that's great....I'll add some comments I hope are useful...also, the part below about the "T" bar and bow eye are not easy to put into words, so feel free to call me at 817 456 2878
Ah a fellow RV'er...We have a motorhome that we live in 6 months out of the year, spending 3 months "up North", in the summer to escape the TX heat, so we have two modes,
1) In transit: Tow Honda Element behind motorhome with dory upside down on the top of the Element on a 2x6 rack and a swiveling "T" bar on the front of the Element, the Trailex 250 trailer is disassembled inside the Element. This is to transport the dory from TX to wherever we will be for 3 months. We dont get it down in transit to use it, unfortunately it is too hard to get up and down off the top of the Element especially with the spars, oar bags, sail bag, all strapped to the rack under the boat. So as we unhook the car from the motorhome on little local drives on the way there and home, we drive around with the dory upside down on the Element..yes, it does cause some drag when accelerating in a head wind, and some cross winds can be fun, but overall, it's fine...no worse than you are used to towing a travel trailer.
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/IYmsQaEv_Wl_NSDCy-1rwTFolq1y-t7pqfyiNmzJPv8?feat=directlink and next picture
2) Once arriving at our summer location, the trailer comes out of the Element, is assembled, the boat comes oft the top of the Element, goes on the trailer, the sail rig is installed, cover put on the boat and it's ready to take to local places to go sailing towing the trailer/boat behind the Element to a boat launch or sandy beach area. By the way, the trailex 250 aluminum trailer is so light it can be moved around like a dolly...really easy to move around with the boat on it or even launch it by hand.
As far as a bow eye on the boat, yes, another good phone call discussion for positioning the eye bolt, reinforcing the bow, flipping the winch on the trailer and other ideas people have used to winch a boat on top of a car.
As far as the selection between sloop and lug, without a doubt, the lug!! I too used to do some sailboat racing so have had my share of standing rigging...it is SO nice on the dory to drop the mast into the mast thwart and voila, done! Agree about the John H write up...good reading...if you were purely racing, maybe the sloop rig is an option but for sailing for the appreciation of the boat, the wind, and the sea, I am SO glad I picked the lug....Dont know if the headroom is that much different but it is much more adjustable, easier to reef, and easier to install a topping lift system!
I also added a split downhaul, adjustable topping lift, and halyard, all lines led aft.
One thing you didnt ask about....kick up rudder option...that's a whole separate discussion
Curt...feel free to call!
Boat Build Photo Journal: https://picasaweb.google.com/114717787929554738224/BuildingWoodenBoatCLCNortheasterDory?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKCBzczm_aKs2wE&feat=directlink