Oar lock location for Chesapeake Yawl

I am looking for advice on where to locate the oarlocks.

I put them on some risers once but I think they are way to far aft now.

In picking up the boat,  I can find the center of gravity and am guessing they should be behind that point.    I also want to balance out the boat so I can have another person in the boat on a seat I am making but not have the oars in their way... It there a general rule or formula for locating oar locks?   https://photos.app.goo.gl/GDQwhZe1zKBTSsJU9

Beautiful boat!

I seem to remember the oarlock position was not in the manual but on one of the two plan sheets that came with the kit. My boat was also a circa 2007 kit and the manual was version 1.0. Seeing the pictures, it looks like yours is a more recent version. For mine, you had to cut the gains on the bow planks.
I also have version 2.5 of the CY manual (not the Version 1.0 originally shipped with my boat) and it shows the location of the oarlocks on page 54:

As you already know, but for the sake of clarification, the CY, from bow to stern has the forward bulkhead on which the bow seat rests, followed by two frames and the aft bulkhead on which the stern seat rests. It looks like the center of the aft oarlock is located 17” aft of the forward side of the aft frame. The center of the mid oarlock is located 10 and 1/2” forward of the forward side of the aft frame. The center of the forward oarlock looks like it is located “just" forward of the forward frame, but does not show any specific distance. They all show mounted on risers; Of course with the addition of in-wales on my boat, I have a different style oarlock sockets.

Please, note that some pictures used in the illustrations of this manual depict the correct steps but on a different boat (it looks like a Dory of Skerry).

I hope that helps, somewhat LOL

I looks like my name did not post ... I must have waited to long after login:

Beautiful boat!

I seem to remember the oarlock position was not in the manual but on one of the two plan sheets that came with the kit. My boat was also a circa 2007 kit and the manual was version 1.0. Seeing the pictures, it looks like yours is a more recent version. For mine, you had to cut the gains on the bow planks.
I also have version 2.5 of the CY manual (not the Version 1.0 originally shipped with my boat) and it shows the location of the oarlocks on page 54:

As you already know, but for the sake of clarification, the CY, from bow to stern has the forward bulkhead on which the bow seat rests, followed by two frames and the aft bulkhead on which the stern seat rests. It looks like the center of the aft oarlock is located 17” aft of the forward side of the aft frame. The center of the mid oarlock is located 10 and 1/2” forward of the forward side of the aft frame. The center of the forward oarlock looks like it is located “just" forward of the forward frame, but does not show any specific distance. They all show mounted on risers; Of course with the addition of in-wales on my boat, I have a different style oarlock sockets.

Please, note that some pictures used in the illustrations of this manual depict the correct steps but on a different boat (it looks like a Dory of Skerry).

I hope that helps, somewhat LOL

A beutiful boat, indeed!  I wish you all joy of her, with a bit of envy mixed, as I have long "lusted after" one of these.  Must be very satisfying to row.


These seem to be the best positions for solo, solo-with-passenger, and tandem rowing:

   Thank you ch_yawl for the pix of the boat!  They solved a vexing question that stemmed from the list of parts.  The list shows the aft floorboard with no notches for the footbraces, and the forward board with the notches.  I started putting together the seats and footbraces, and began thinking about how that would work!

Turns out of course, that the list mislabeled fore and aft, and a simple switcheroo solved the conundrum.  Your last two pix - the one in the water, and the one in the garage showed the floorboards in the correct position.  

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