Old never opened paint and varnish still useable?

The following paints and varnish were purchased from CLC, along with other material and a Chester Yawl kit in 2007 (it took waaaay longer than expected, and no, it did not take 7 years, but still 2 years of widely sporadic work):

Interlux Pre-Kote primer 4279 (white)

Interlux Brightside 4359 (white)

Interlux Schooner 96

interlux Goldspar Satin 60

All four containers are unopened with the paper seal still on the lip and in their shipping plastic bag. It was stored in approximately 60-75 degrees in a box.


Question 1:  Although Interlux states a shelf life of 2 years, can I still successfully use any or all of these? 


Question 2: I bought what was recommended (so that I would have everything handy) and no longer recall which is which? Could you, please advise as to the use, particularly Schooner and Goldspar?


The Pre-Kote will go on exterior and will receive coats of Brightside White.

With a bright interior ... What is the difference between Schooner  and Goldspar. Does one go first or are they different applications not to be mixed? (oK ... This was a 3rd question LOL)

   I have no input on whether the old stuff is ok or not.


but as to the two different varnishes. they do different things.


if you are going over epoxy then you need an UV protector which the Schooner has but the Goldspar does not. and the schooner is glossy while the goldspar is satin.  


so you do eveyting first in schooner, at least 3 coats, maybe 4, to ensure UV protection is there. then if you want a satin finish on anything you do that surface with a final coat or two of goldspar. anything you want to keep glossy you dont use the goldspar on.



Thanks, David!

That was very clear. UV protection first, then satin finish if desired.

With regard to old unopened cans of Interlux varnish and paint: does anybody have an idea as to whether it is OK to use or not?

Thanks much for the input!



I've used 3 year old unopened varnish with no problems. The easiest thing to do is to try it on a piece of epoxied scrap wood.



   Makes sense, I will do that. Thank you, Lazlo!

I have used some old  unopened boat paint and varnish that was at least 20 years old before.  If it is still sealed up it should be ok. 

   Thanks, Rob! Will mix it well, try a patch as Lazlo suggested and go for it! Good to know of your positive experience.