Paint over graphite on the hull?

Has anyone tried the graphite/epoxy mix to coat the hull fro abrasion resistance?  I live in florida and I am sure that I will be scratchng the hul over oyster beds, mangroves, ans barnicles as well as other rocky bottoms, so I think I am going to go with the graphite mix. I was wondering if anyone tried this, what the fromula is, and, what the thoughts were about a cost of paint over it for UV protection? 

This was just covered here this last week. Here's the link for details but the short answer is yes, it works, no, paint is not necessary or desired.



Should the first coat of epoxy on the hull to saturate the glass have the micro balloons, or is that just used on subsequent coats to fill the weave?

The first coat should be just epoxy. It needs to work its way into the glass fibers unimpeded by fillers.