Passagemaker location holes for bulkheads

My Passagemaker kit came with holes in the bottom and protrusions from the bulkheads for easy locating. The issue is, you locate the bulkheads and then flip the boat and fiber the bottom. This process will stick those bulkheads in place via the holes and pegs. So should I cover them from the bottm? Or let the two "pegs" get stuck and cut the bulk head off with a thin, small knife?

The manula makes no mention of any of this process.


No one?

Since none of the PMD guys have weighed in, I'll take a crack. I don't know what building sequence is recommended for that boat, but couldn't you hold off on fiberglassing the bottom at least until the bulkheads are permanently installed? Then if part of the pegs are protruding through the bottom they can be trimmed +/or sanded flush (or if there are gaps, they can be filled) before glassing. Is that of any help? I'm not completely sure I understand the situation ...

Old Yeller

I guess the lack of response is form the low posting rate on this site. You might try the Passagemaker Dinghy Forum.

Are the bulkheads permanent? If so, what's the problem if they get stuck where they're supposed to be, then cut them flush where they protrude before 'glassing. Anytime I don't want something to get epoxied to something else, I put a layer of package-sealing tape between the parts. In this case, if the bulkheads are not supposed to be stuck to the bottom, wrap the pegs before inserting them into the holes.

In addition to the PD forum, there's also the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page. That'll get you in touch (by phone or e-mail) with the folks at CLC who can tell you exactly how that boat is supposed to be put together.

This forum is just the "Peanut Gallery". While it's full of good stuff, there's also literary discussions, political debate and the occasional beer recipe. Folks respond when they get around to it, since it's all volunteer. The tech support number, however, it's their job and you paid for it when you bought the kit.

Have fun,



Can I get that beer recipe :)

I just completed a passagemaker class in Port Townsend.  The building process was somewhat different because of the time constraints of the class.  We installed the bulkheads, wired them into place, filleted the joint, and then used a flush cut saw (flexible Japanese style) to trim the pegs prior to glassing the bottom.

hope this helps.