PMD Build Question

I'm in the process of building a Passagemaker Dinghy from a kit which is proceeding quite well, and I'm really happy with the ease of the build so far.
I'm nearing the section where I will fiberglass the exterior of the boat (page 51 of the PMD build manual).
My question is about the bulkheads which are currently stitched into place. On the current revision of the kit there are holes precut in the bottom of the boat that tabs from the forward most and rear most bulkheads fit into. That means when the fiberglass is epoxied those tabs will be epoxied onto the fiberglass, and, I assume, the epoxy will run into any gaps in those holes thoroughly sticking the bulkheads in place.
The following step (page 54) is removing the bulkheads so the interior bottom can be layered with fiberglass and epoxied.
I'm not sure how to proceed with the fiberglass step.
Should I:
  • Remove the bulkheads before applying epoxy to the fiberglass on the exterior bottom of the boat?
  • Plan to cut the tabs on the bulkheads off so they can be removed after the exterior bottom is coated in fiberglass and epoxy?
  • Am I just overthinking this and it's not going to be a problem?
  • Something else that I'm not considering?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

   I had the same issue on my PMD build. I think there have been a few changes to the design (like the puzzle joints) and these tabs may have been added later on but the manual never updated to reflect the change.

The tabs work great for aligning the bulkheads while initially stitching up the hull panels, but they get in the way when it's time to glass. I cut the tabs off and filled the holes with wood flour epoxy mix before applying the fiberglass and it worked great.


   I had the same issue on my PMD build. I think there have been a few changes to the design (like the puzzle joints) and these tabs may have been added later on but the manual never updated to reflect the change.

The tabs work great for aligning the bulkheads while initially stitching up the hull panels, but they get in the way when it's time to glass. I cut the tabs off and filled the holes with wood flour epoxy mix before applying the fiberglass and it worked great.


   I had the same issue on my PMD build. I think there have been a few changes to the design (like the puzzle joints) and these tabs may have been added later on but the manual never updated to reflect the change.

The tabs work great for aligning the bulkheads while initially stitching up the hull panels, but they get in the way when it's time to glass. I cut the tabs off and filled the holes with wood flour epoxy mix before applying the fiberglass and it worked great.


   Wow, no idea why my response just posted itself three times. Sorry for the spam.

   I felt like I didn't need the tabs for aligning the bulkheads during the stitching process, which is partially why I asked the question. I felt like there must me some reason for them to be there that I was missing.

That said, cutting them off and filling the holes makes sense at this point, so that's what I've done... Now impatiently waiting for the epoxy to cure so I can lay the fiberglass on the exterior of the boat.

Of course, that being said, I'd still love to hear from anyone with input on why I shouldn't have done that... if nothing else, so future builders know what they should do regarding the tabs/hull holes on the bulkheads.